Do you love those spy movies with secret codes and artifacts on small objects? Or maybe puzzles that are hidden in plain sight? Well, you’ll love this one then!
This awesome necklace actually has a secret code imprinted on it’s micro lens. When projected using the flashlight of your mobile phone, it reveals the Ways to say “I Love You” in 100 different languages which is pretty mysterious and cool at the same time! If you’re into that kind of thing, the Secret Code Microletter Love Necklace is definitely a must buy trinket for you to keep!
Made with high class materials to last you a long time
Microlettering imprinted on the lens and only accessible using a special method… impress your friends and family!
A great necklace to have if you like jewelry
The secret code of love is hidden inside the lens - It contains the phrase “I Love You” in 100 Different Languages